our work in the cellar
History and tradition are not independent values in themselves, they are shaped by people. We live in the now, interpret our heritage in the present and fill it with life. We want to make a difference, move things forward and leave our mark.
So wird bei Esterhazy auch beim Ausbau der Weine im Keller der Mut zur Innovation deutlich. Der Anteil der Holzfässer aus eigenen Wäldern wurde in den vergangenen Jahren kontinuierlich erhöht. Diese werden 5 Jahre lang getrocknet und von der namhaften Fassbinderei Stockinger verarbeitet. Mit der Linie der „Projektweine“ zeigt das Team um Jakob Holzmann, dass alternative Gebinde und Methoden mittlerweile einen festen Platz in der Weinwelt haben. In wunderschönen Betoneiern und Amphoren entstehen spannende Weine, die ganz eigene Charakterzüge zeigen und dennoch typisch „Leithaberg“ bleiben – die Konsumenten bestätigen dies mit großer Nachfrage!
„Degustation“ PAUL BUSK
Smelling, tasting, seeing, experiencing ... Tasting wine with all your senses. Visual stimuli are also challenged when looking through the glass. Looking at the surroundings through a wine glass blurs the translucent, the surrounding. Straight lines become round, creating a play of waves. Everything flows. The artist Paul Busk picks up on this optical gimmick and uses an oversized stencil in street art style to realise the "Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo" lettering consumed in this way at the Esterhazy winery. Busk also sees parallels in his concept to graffiti writing, which is also about the shape of individual letters and how they change. In graffiti, the letters are also drawn in any direction, stroke widths are changed and shapes are played with. The visual wave play of the degustation thus merges with the style writing from New York in the 90s.
Paul Busk, wall painting, Esterházy Winery Trausdorf, 2020

„Degustation“ PAUL BUSK
Smelling, tasting, seeing, experiencing ... Tasting wine with all your senses. Visual stimuli are also challenged when looking through the glass. Looking at the surroundings through a wine glass blurs the translucent, the surrounding. Straight lines become round, creating a play of waves. Everything flows. The artist Paul Busk picks up on this optical gimmick and uses an oversized stencil in street art style to realise the "Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo" lettering consumed in this way at the Esterhazy winery. Busk also sees parallels in his concept to graffiti writing, which is also about the shape of individual letters and how they change. In graffiti, the letters are also drawn in any direction, stroke widths are changed and shapes are played with. The visual wave play of the degustation thus merges with the style writing from New York in the 90s.
Paul Busk, wall painting, Esterházy Winery Trausdorf, 2020