Single Vineyard Herrschaftsbreite – Grosshöflein

The Herrschaftsbreite vineyard is an alluvial cone formed by the erosion of the Leithaberg. It therefore has a different geological structure. Esterházy's Herrschaftsbreite vineyard is situated at an altitude of 200 to 210 metres above sea level and faces south-east with a gentle slope of 2 to 3 per cent.

Facing in a southeast direction, this vineyard receives plenty of morning sun and very little sun in the evening. Photosynthesis begins early in the morning and morning dew is dried quickly on the vines. The intensity of sunlight decreases significantly in the afternoon which reduces heat stress in midsummer.

The topsoil consists of a humus-rich clay loam, adding power to the wines. The subsoil is composed of weathered limestone and loess. This coarse subsoil delivers soft, elegant wines.


Ried Föllikberg - Grosshöflein

Single Vineyard Herrschaftsbreite – Grosshöflein

The Herrschaftsbreite vineyard is an alluvial cone formed by the erosion of the Leithaberg. It therefore has a different geological structure. Esterházy's Herrschaftsbreite vineyard is situated at an altitude of 200 to 210 metres above sea level and faces south-east with a gentle slope of 2 to 3 per cent.

Facing in a southeast direction, this vineyard receives plenty of morning sun and very little sun in the evening. Photosynthesis begins early in the morning and morning dew is dried quickly on the vines. The intensity of sunlight decreases significantly in the afternoon which reduces heat stress in midsummer.

The topsoil consists of a humus-rich clay loam, adding power to the wines. The subsoil is composed of weathered limestone and loess. This coarse subsoil delivers soft, elegant wines.


Single Vineyard Lamer - Sankt Margarethen

Our single vineyard Lamer is one of the highest locations on the hills around Rust at about 200 meters above sea level. The higher lying plateau has a mild slope of 1%, facing in a south-easterly direction. The wind is much stronger in this exposed location than in lower lying sites.

As a result, the grapes are well aerated and the risk of rot is very low. The neighbouring Margarethen community forest serves to cool temperatures down in the evenings. This cooler climate is ideal for white wines, rich in finesse.

The soil consists of weathered mica slate and is predominantly free of lime. The name Lamer is derived from the topsoil, which consists of a thin layer of clay. This special soil composition produces wines with lots of freshness and subtle, smoky minerality.


Ried Lamer - Sankt Margarethen

Single Vineyard Lamer - Sankt Margarethen

Our single vineyard Lamer is one of the highest locations on the hills around Rust at about 200 meters above sea level. The higher lying plateau has a mild slope of 1%, facing in a south-easterly direction. The wind is much stronger in this exposed location than in lower lying sites.

As a result, the grapes are well aerated and the risk of rot is very low. The neighbouring Margarethen community forest serves to cool temperatures down in the evenings. This cooler climate is ideal for white wines, rich in finesse.

The soil consists of weathered mica slate and is predominantly free of lime. The name Lamer is derived from the topsoil, which consists of a thin layer of clay. This special soil composition produces wines with lots of freshness and subtle, smoky minerality.


Single Vineyard Pirichen - Oslip

The name Pirichen is derived from Pirichendorf, a village between St. Georgen and Schützen am Gebirge which was deserted 250 years ago. Today this area is called Osliper Wald and belongs to the viticultural district of Oslip.

5 ha of forest were cleared in 2016 for this vineyard site. In turn another 5 ha were reforested in another area. The forest soil was developed into a cultivated field until 2021 - the planting year. For this purpose, different cover crops were cultivated and tilled again to raise the humus content. This topsoil is only 50 cm deep, with the subsoil consisting of 100% maritime limestone.

The largest of these 3 plots faces south. The upper part is planted with Chardonnay, while the steepest part below is planted with Blaufränkisch. Just below this site is a small vineyard which tilts to the south-south-west, planted with Furmint. The third site faces south-east towards Lake Neusiedl. This site receives less sunlight and is thus significantly cooler than the rest, which is why we decided to plant Pinot Noir here.

The vineyard lies at 319 to 355 meters above sea level, which is the highest vineyard location on the Leithaberg. The average annual temperature here is approximately 1,5°C lower than in St. Georgen. The steeper slope of 18-25 percent, ensures intense sunlight exposure. These two factors result in ideal ripening conditions for perfect fruit expression while retaining a strong and fresh acidity.

The first harvest is expected in 2024 at the earliest.


Single Vineyard Pirichen - Oslip

The name Pirichen is derived from Pirichendorf, a village between St. Georgen and Schützen am Gebirge which was deserted 250 years ago. Today this area is called Osliper Wald and belongs to the viticultural district of Oslip.

5 ha of forest were cleared in 2016 for this vineyard site. In turn another 5 ha were reforested in another area. The forest soil was developed into a cultivated field until 2021 - the planting year. For this purpose, different cover crops were cultivated and tilled again to raise the humus content. This topsoil is only 50 cm deep, with the subsoil consisting of 100% maritime limestone.

The largest of these 3 plots faces south. The upper part is planted with Chardonnay, while the steepest part below is planted with Blaufränkisch. Just below this site is a small vineyard which tilts to the south-south-west, planted with Furmint. The third site faces south-east towards Lake Neusiedl. This site receives less sunlight and is thus significantly cooler than the rest, which is why we decided to plant Pinot Noir here.

The vineyard lies at 319 to 355 meters above sea level, which is the highest vineyard location on the Leithaberg. The average annual temperature here is approximately 1,5°C lower than in St. Georgen. The steeper slope of 18-25 percent, ensures intense sunlight exposure. These two factors result in ideal ripening conditions for perfect fruit expression while retaining a strong and fresh acidity.

The first harvest is expected in 2024 at the earliest.


Single Vineyard Schildten - Sankt Georgen

This pristine site was first mentioned in 1570 under the name "Schildt Huet", and has been owned by Esterhazy since 1641. The name Schildten is derived from its peculiar shape: uphill it gets wider and wider, before converging again at the end - in the shape of a shield. The site faces south-south-east at an altitude of 175 to 200 meters above sea level, with a gradient of 9 to 10%.

These factors ensure optimal exposure to sunlight during the day, while being cooled down by downward drafts from the forests in the evening. This ensures ideal ripening conditions during the day and perfect aroma storage at night.

The soil consists of sparse brown earth, interspersed with limestone. The lime content is extremely high, delivering wines with a tight structure, carried by minerality rather than exuberant fruit.


Single Vineyard Schildten - Sankt Georgen

This pristine site was first mentioned in 1570 under the name "Schildt Huet", and has been owned by Esterhazy since 1641. The name Schildten is derived from its peculiar shape: uphill it gets wider and wider, before converging again at the end - in the shape of a shield. The site faces south-south-east at an altitude of 175 to 200 meters above sea level, with a gradient of 9 to 10%.

These factors ensure optimal exposure to sunlight during the day, while being cooled down by downward drafts from the forests in the evening. This ensures ideal ripening conditions during the day and perfect aroma storage at night.

The soil consists of sparse brown earth, interspersed with limestone. The lime content is extremely high, delivering wines with a tight structure, carried by minerality rather than exuberant fruit.


Single Vineyard Schneiderteil - Saint Georgen

Esterhazy has owned the Schneiderteil site since 1778. The linguistic origin of the name can no longer be traced. It is a single vineyard site within the larger site called Kogl. Located above St. Georgen, this vineyard faces south and extends from 190 to 215 meters above sea level with a slope of 8 to 10%. The soil warms up very quickly during the day, which is why this historic white wine site was converted to a red wine site as early as 1997.

Due to the bordering forest above, the site is rapidly cooled during the night by drafts descending from the forest. This results in large day and night temperature differences. Cool nights store aromatic substances, while hot temperatures during the day ensure optimal ripeness.

These sparse soils have a high lime content of 40 to 60%. This is perfect for Merlot, which produces perfect grapes on soils with high lime content. The lime delivers tight acidity, which perfectly balances these full-bodied wines.


Single Vineyard Schneiderteil - Saint Georgen

Esterhazy has owned the Schneiderteil site since 1778. The linguistic origin of the name can no longer be traced. It is a single vineyard site within the larger site called Kogl. Located above St. Georgen, this vineyard faces south and extends from 190 to 215 meters above sea level with a slope of 8 to 10%. The soil warms up very quickly during the day, which is why this historic white wine site was converted to a red wine site as early as 1997.

Due to the bordering forest above, the site is rapidly cooled during the night by drafts descending from the forest. This results in large day and night temperature differences. Cool nights store aromatic substances, while hot temperatures during the day ensure optimal ripeness.

These sparse soils have a high lime content of 40 to 60%. This is perfect for Merlot, which produces perfect grapes on soils with high lime content. The lime delivers tight acidity, which perfectly balances these full-bodied wines.



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