Sustainable organic viticulture

In order to realise our wine style, the quality of the grapes is a decisive factor. For this reason, the vineyards have been cultivated organically since 2019. With the 2023 vintage, we will produce one hundred per cent certified organic wines. "Our aim is to cultivate every single vine so individually and gently that it lives to be at least 100 years old." is winemaker Robert Krammer's credo. Thanks to soft pruning, the vines are additionally strengthened and, in collaboration with the company "Pannatura", valuable organic compost is spread in the vineyards, with Esterhazy contributing the pomace, for example. Our vineyards are located in six different wine-growing communities - Grosshöflein, Sankt Georgen, Rust, Sankt Margarethen, Eisenstadt and Oslip. This results in a wide variety of soils and microclimates. It is very important to us to emphasise these differences and make the character of each community tangible in the wines!

2015 - ein roter Spitzenjahrgang
2015 - ein roter Spitzenjahrgang
2015 - ein roter Spitzenjahrgang
2015 - ein roter Spitzenjahrgang